Candela and Schreier Medical Corporation
Surgical Oncologists & Robotic Surgery Specialists located in West Hills, CA & Thousand Oaks, CA, serving the San Fernando Valley
If you need a lumpectomy, you want to choose a specialist who is highly skilled at the procedure and who performs lumpectomies on a routine basis. Dr. Frank Candela and Dr. David Schreier of Candela and Schreier Medical Corporation in West Hills and Thousand Oaks, California, while also serving the San Fernando Valley, are among the most highly sought-after breast health surgeons in the area and have helped hundreds of women navigate this and other cancer treatments with ease. To learn more about their services, book a visit today through the simple online scheduling tool or by phone.
Lumpectomy Q & A
A lumpectomy, sometimes referred to as an excisional biopsy, is the surgical removal of a portion of abnormal breast tissue. It’s a type of breast-conserving surgery because most of your breast tissue is left in place, unlike a mastectomy where all breast tissue is surgically removed.
A lumpectomy is a diagnostic tool for breast cancer. Once the tissue is removed, it’s examined for signs of cellular abnormalities. Lumpectomy is also a treatment in women who have early-stage breast cancer.
Lumpectomy is a great approach for many women, but there are certain conditions that may render you a poor candidate. You might need a different approach if:
- You have a history of scleroderma, which hardens the skin and other tissue
- You have systemic lupus erythematosus, which causes chronic inflammation
- You’ve already had radiation therapy in or near your breasts
- Your cancer has spread throughout your breast tissue
- You have multiple tumors in different quadrants of your breast
- You have small breasts and a large tumor
If any of these conditions apply, your specialist can recommend other treatment options.
Dr. Schreier or Dr. Candela will give you personalized instructions prior to your appointment. It’s important to disclose all medications, vitamins, and supplements you take to avoid complications. You should also:
- Stop taking any blood-thinning medications, including aspirin
- Abstain from eating or drinking for 8-12 hours before surgery
- Bring a friend or family member with you on the day of your procedure
You may also want to check with your insurance company about coverage to avoid billing surprises.
This is a very personal decision that you should make after discussing your specific needs with your specialist. In general, research shows that for women with early stage cancer affecting a relatively small portion of breast tissue, lumpectomy followed by radiation is as effective at removing all cancerous tissue as a mastectomy.
To learn more about lumpectomy and other breast cancer treatment options, schedule your visit with Candela and Schreier Medical Corporation today, either online or by phone.