There may come a day when it happens, but the most advanced medical technology on our planet doesn’t yet include walking, talking robots in the operating room. Robotic technology, however, can provide valuable assistance in certain procedures – provided your surgeon has the necessary training and experience required to perform robotic surgery.
Dr. Frank Candela and Dr. David Schreier offer extensive surgical skill and expertise through their practice, Candela and Schreier Medical Corporation. Serving the San Fernando and Simi Valley communities of southern California, this team of dedicated surgeons specializes in robotic surgery and has the training and experience you need to help ensure a positive outcome.
These surgeons are experts at traditional surgical techniques as well, but prefer robotic surgery using the da Vinci® surgical system whenever possible.
The basics of robotic surgery
Using a minimally invasive approach, which utilizes several small surgical incisions rather than a long open cut, robotic surgery is performed via real-time images of the surgical site that are produced by a top-grade, high resolution camera.
There is no need for a large surgical incision that cuts through healthy skin, muscle, and other tissue to expose the surgical site. Rather, the camera and other surgical instruments are inserted through the small incisions and moved into the targeted area by your surgeon.
The state-of-the-art camera provides an amazingly clear, three dimensional image of the surgical site and surrounding structures. The images are transmitted to a vision cart, or binocular eyepiece that your surgeon watches through carefully.
Features of the robotic “arm” of the system include computerized precision and enhanced instrument flexibility for repairing structures, such as a hernia, or removing targeted organs or tumors.
Your Candela and Schreier Medical Corp surgeon is always in control of the actions performed during robotic surgery via specialized controllers. In fact, a better definition than “robotic surgery” may be robotic-assisted surgery.
Robotic-assisted surgery is overall safe and effective
Any surgical treatment carries risks. Even the simplest procedure can result in unexpected consequences such as bleeding or infection. However, your surgeon always carefully compares the possible risks versus the potential benefits of surgical treatment.
When your Candela and Schreier expert recommends surgery, it means your the benefitsof the operation far outweigh the possible risks. The same is true with robotic surgery.
It’s vital, however, that your surgeon has extensive training and experience necessary for this advanced surgical approach, which requires a higher set of skills than open or traditional laparoscopic surgery.
Benefits of robotic assistance in the operating room
There are many reasons the surgeons at Candela and Schreier prefer robotic surgery over traditional for numerous surgical procedures. These reasons include:
- Decreased incision size and less risk of infection, bleeding or scarring
- Less pain and discomfort
- Faster overall healing time and quicker return to normal activities
- Improved view of the surgical site compared to standard laparoscopic procedures
- Greater precision during surgical dissection or repair
- Shorter hospital stays
The flexibility of the “wrist” portion of the robotic arm also provides your surgeon with greatly enhanced range of motion, which increases his ability to perform even very delicate tasks accurately.
If you have been told you need surgery, and you’d like more information about robotic surgery or any of the other expert services offered at Candela and Schreier Medical Corporation, schedule your visit today. Call the office or request an appointment online.